Every holiday season brings joy, laughter, and cherished moments with loved ones. Yet, amidst the festivities, there lurks a dark reality: the alarming frequency of drunk driving accidents.

Drunk driving accidents spike during the holidays, casting a shadow over the season’s celebrations. Behind every incident involving a vehicle and an inebriated driver lies a heartbreaking tale of lives forever changed by reckless decisions.

The numbers paint a picture not just of how common car accidents are but how many of them are caused by alcohol.

Find out more about the prevalence of drunk driving accidents during the holidays and read on to the end to find out what you can do if you’re on the receiving end of one.

General Statistics on Drunk Driving Accidents

Drunk driving has been the culprit for many car accidents across the country. Each year, driving under the influence of alcohol causes thousands of accidents.

The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention discovered the alarming mortality rate of drunk driving. Based on the CDC’s statistics, more than 11,654 individuals met their untimely demise in motor vehicle crashes involving alcohol-impaired drivers in 2020 alone.

These statistics paint a grim picture of the toll that intoxicated driving takes on innocent lives.

The Percentage of Accidents Caused By Drunk Driving

Some data acquired by the Texas Department of Transportation can give us the answer.

In 2022, Texas recorded about 62,000 total injurious car crashes. According to the Department of Transportation, the number of accidents caused by drunk driving was 17,935 in 2022.

When we do the math, we’ll find that the percentage of car crashes due to DUI is roughly 28.9%. That’s nearly a third of all car accidents in the state.

Given these figures, it’s safe to say that drunk driving collisions are common in Texas.

How Many Accidents Are Caused by Drunk Driving During the Holidays in Texas?

In 2022 alone, alcohol played a devastating role in 1,163 fatal traffic accidents in the Lone Star State, constituting roughly a quarter of all deadly crashes.

These grim statistics which are sourced from the Texas Department of Transportation underscore the somber reality of drunk driving during festive times.

Several cities also happen to be hotbeds for drunk driving accidents and deaths in Texas.

For one, Houston holds the unenviable status of being one of the cities most prone to impaired driving incidents during the holidays.

The city is also notorious for having the highest rates of total crashes. According to the Texas Department of Transportation, Houston saw about 67,386 total crashes in 2022 alone.

It’s not just Houston bearing the burden of high holiday drunk driving accident rates, though.

In the bustling Dallas area, an average of 66 lives are tragically lost each year in crashes involving drunk drivers. Coincidentally, drunk driving incidents in the area peak around the holiday season.

These alarming stats are stark reminders of how common drunk driving car crashes and fatalities are in the Lone Star State — especially when the holidays draw near.

How Much Drunk Driving Costs the US

Drunk driving accidents don’t just wreak havoc on human life. In Texas and across the country, these incidents come with hefty economic costs that burden motorists, insurance companies, and the state at large.

Delving deeper into the economic toll, the numbers paint a grim picture. In 2019, the total economic cost of all motor vehicle traffic crashes in the United States amounted to a staggering $340 billion.

Within this sum, a significant $58 billion stemmed from alcohol-impaired crashes involving drivers with a Blood Alcohol Concentration (BAC) of .08 grams per deciliter or higher.

These losses do little to encapsulate the full extent of harm inflicted. When factoring in quality-of-life valuations, the total societal harm from motor vehicle traffic crashes in 2019 skyrocketed to an eye-watering $1.37 trillion.

Among this figure, $296 billion was attributed to alcohol-impaired crashes, highlighting the immense toll on individuals and communities.

Drunk Driving: The Consequences

The legal ramifications of impairment offenses related to drunk driving are profound.

From hefty fines to driver’s license suspension and potential jail time, offenders can face numerous penalties owing to their recklessness and inebriation.

Repeat DUI offenders face lengthy jail sentences and permanent license revocation. Meanwhile, first-time offenders may grapple with fines exceeding $10,000, coupled with temporary license suspension.

What Makes Drunk Driving Prevalent During the Holidays: The Factors

During the holiday season, a perfect storm of factors converges, increasing the likelihood of drunk driving accidents. As festivities ensue, the following factors can engender a rise in DUI-related car crashes.

More Gatherings

Firstly, the prevalence of holiday gatherings and celebrations creates ample opportunities for alcohol consumption. From office parties to family get-togethers, the social nature of the holidays often revolves around festivities where alcohol flows freely.

Holiday-Related Stressors

Holiday stressors can exacerbate the temptation to drink and drive. The pressures of gift-giving, financial strain, and family obligations can lead individuals to seek solace in alcohol, blurring the lines between responsible behavior and reckless choices.

Extended Holiday Weekends

The extended holiday weekends provide more leisure time for revelers, increasing the likelihood of alcohol consumption throughout the day and night. With fewer responsibilities and more time for merriment, the risks of impaired driving soar.

Is Driving Drunk Worse Than Driving High?

Both driving under the influence of alcohol and driving under the influence of drugs pose serious risks to road safety. With that said, research suggests that alcohol tends to have a more pronounced impact on driving ability compared to most drugs.

Alcohol impairs coordination, reaction time, and judgment, increasing the likelihood of accidents. While driving under the influence of drugs can also impair driving skills, the effects can vary depending on the type of drug and individual tolerance levels.

Ultimately, neither option is safe, and both can result in severe legal consequences and tragic outcomes on the road. It’s imperative to always drive sober and avoid any substances that impair driving ability.

What To Do If You’ve Been in a Drunk Driving Accident: Contact Us

The statistics show a sobering reality — that drunk driving is common in Texas. With this in mind, you should consider the possibility that you may be on the receiving end of an accident.

If you’ve been in an accident, contact us.

Our team of lawyers has years of experience in drunk driving cases and is ready to assist you today. Call now.